windsurfsegel windsurfingsail S2Maui 2024 Dragon Wave
windsurfsegel windsurfingsail S2Maui 2024 Dragon Wave
windsurfsegel windsurfingsail S2Maui 2024 Dragon Wave


S2Maui Dragon 2024



Farbe:C1 Yellow

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Wir präsentieren das S2Maui Dragon 2024 Segel.

Competition Performance, Power  Agility

The S2Maui Dragon is the ultimate high performance, progressive wavesail. New for 2024, Gradient Concept Warp-Path construction applies the highest strength, lowest stretch technical fabrics in the lower sail body and transitions to progressively lighter high-tech material as you move up the sail.  The lower sail body is now built almost entirely with S2Maui’s exclusive, incredibly stable, extreme strength Carbon WX Spacelight™ which transitions to ultralight, strong and responsive Technora™ Spacelight™ throughout the upper sail body. The final result is incredible stability and an ultralight, smooth and reactive feeling without equal. Combining incredible maneuverability and light, responsive handling with excellent power and wind range, the Dragon will draw the most radical lines at Ho’okipa, while also dominating a wave competition during a North Sea storm. Achieving agility and power from its perfectly balanced lower aspect ratio, the Dragon helps you execute the most demanding wave moves in downthe-line and onshore conditions alike, transitioning flawlessly from hard driving bottom turns to neutral off-the-top. Combining the power of traditional sails .2 square meters larger with reduced rotational inertia due to the low aspect ratio and super lightweight, the Dragon has a breathtaking maneuverability advantage that has to be experienced.

Camille Juban:
“When it comes to performance, the S2Maui Dragon is simply the sail I can trust the most. The lightness and maneuverability made me have good results at contests, especially at the Aloha Classic.”  (Camille career best PWA event results 2nd place at Aloha Classic, 3rd place at Cabo Verde.)

Artur Szpunar:
"The 2024 Dragon took a step forward with the new Gradient Concept construction. Having the lower sail body built entirely with the virtually zero stretch Carbon WX Spacelight™ really allowed us to lock in the shape while the sails got even lighter,  stronger and more responsive. overall. Reducing the number of seams and increasing the use of the superlight Technora™ Spacelight™ in the upper sail body further reduced weight and impoved handling. Thorough testing of our hybrid Carbon fiber/Technora WARPPATH load oriented construction in Maui’s North Shore surf has proven it to combine the ultimate in extreme strength and amazing sail weights 15-20% lighter than the competition."


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