windsurfsegel windsurfingsail S2Maui 2024 Eagle-FR Foiling Foilrace
windsurfsegel windsurfingsail S2Maui 2024 Eagle-FR Foiling Foilrace
windsurfsegel windsurfingsail S2Maui 2024 Eagle-FR Foiling Foilrace


S2Maui Eagle-FR 2024




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Wir präsentieren das S2Maui Eagle-FR 2024 Segel.


We have placed major focus on the 2024 Eagle-FR development with the goal  to win at the highest levels of foil slalom and foil course race competition.  It was a pleasure to watch Justine Lemeteyer, ride her 2023 S2MauEagle-FR to a dominant performance at 2023 PWA Torbole, winning 6 of 7 eliminations! Witnessing this, we brought Justine to Maui to participate in testing and development of the 2024 Eagle-FR, ensuring that she has the right tools to go for the PWA World Championship in 2024! Justine’s success follows in S2Maui’s tradition which in previous seasons saw Delphine Cousin winning 2 consecutive PWA Foil World Championships and Antoine Questel winning the first ever PWA exhibition foil title. Feedback and testing from our Championship Team, including Micah, Justine, Antoine, Delphine, Lohan and Bob, ensures that the Eagle-FR’s talons are razor sharp.

The new 2024 Eagle-FR features a new, higher aspect outline and smaller head, which together with improved lower-mid leech twist and leading edge refinements give incredible stability, efficiency and top end speed. The 3-D aerodynamic profile has been meticulously refined for blazing flight speed. Extensive use of S2Maui’s new “Light-Ply” 2-ply lightweight colored film further reduces weight and gives the sails a more direct response that translates into instantaneous acceleration. S2Maui’s low friction, multi-roller, wide footprint cambers with carefully tuned pressure, ensure smooth and complete rotation. The sizes have also been refined to cover a wider wind range and meet the needs of both PWA and recreational racers. The 2024 Eagle-FR is a relentless, no compromise foil race weapon with its eye focused on the top of the podium.

Justine Lemeteyer: 

“The 2024 Eagle-FR range is gonna be a must-have for next season’s foil sessions and racing. The sails are more stable, accelerating faster and smooth in the jibes. Foil sailing with cruise mode on!”


kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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