Solarez Sponge-Rez Bodyboard Repair 2fl. oz. 59ml Board Repair Solarez
Solarez Sponge-Rez Bodyboard Repair 2fl. oz. 59ml Board Repair Solarez


Solarez Sponge-Rez Bodyboard Repair 2fl. oz. 59ml


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Wir präsentieren das Solarez Neo-Rez Neopren Reparatur Wetsuit Repair & Filler.

Sponge-Rez is a tough, clear, flexible resin formulated to mend the most common types of catastrophes bodyboards are heir to; worn-out leash anchors, creased bottoms, delaminated decks, hulls or rails, sponge-deck (also known as rash-deck) and semi-fatal gouges. Sponge-Rez works on all types of bodyboard materials including Ethafoam, Surlyn, EVA, Vinyl, and Arcel, however it will melt styrofoam (EPS) cores. Sponge-Rez also repairs cracked, weathered swim fins. If applied to the fin blades, it increases their stiffness and thrust. General Directions:
  1. Surface should be clean, dry, and free of dirt, and or wax.
  2. Use in well ventilated area, preferably outdoors. DO NOT deliberatley inhale vapors - don't be stupid.
  3. Apply liberally on porous surfaces. Use spreader to force Sponge-Rez into the damged part of the board. Do not apply Sponge-Rez with your fingers.
  4. Sponge-Rez will "skin-over" in about 10-15 min. and feel dry in about 2 hours but a complete cure takes 24 hours - especially when filling deep gouges. This is not a UV cure product.

  • Great for repairing most any bodyboard material EXCEPT STYROFOAM
  • Extreme adhesion
  • Clear, strong, flexible, tough, abrasion-resistant
  • Seals leash plugs, fixes delaminations, abraded surfaces, broken seams
  • Self-leveling, cures glossy in 20 minutes, usable in 2 hours
  • Best if left to cure overnight
  • Little bit goes a long way

Inhalt: 2fl. oz. 59ml

kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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