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Future Fly

Future Fly Abu Fish




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Wir präsentieren das Future Fly Abu Fish.


Future Fly is proud to present the all-new series of Yellow Fish and Abu Fish wave boards.

The development of the new series took over 8 months in which the boards were tested in a wide variety of location and conditions.

The boards were tested by our international team, and riders of different levels.

The significant emphasis in the development was a particularly radical turning ability, one could say infinite, while maintaining excellent speed, a comfortable and easy ride, and a quick planing ability. The speed enables this board to excel in any type of conditions, and the limitless turn-ability will take the rider anywhere he wishes to go in small and large surf, in on, side and off shore conditions

The father of all wave boards

An amazing wave board for light conditions or a heavy sailor.

Abu(father) fish is a board that will amaze the rider with its turning ability, while floating in extremely weak wind conditions and still able to control and comfort even in strong winds.

One will not find a board of this width that will turn at such a level! Extremely high performance can be reached without limitation. The width allows easy and smooth traversal of waves, the round rails allows riding waves in all styles – pressing the back leg or the laying of the body/sail forward and using the entire length of the rail.

Super-fast planing and soft and comfortable gliding. Option for one large Free Wave fin or thruster.

The board is defined as a “big wave board” not as fast as a classic free wave, however, one can really enjoy it as a bump and jump board using external foot strap positions making this board pure fun for any level rider and any sailing conditions



Middle fin power box with 2x slot box side fins.
Thruster or single fin option.
Fins provided – High quality Zulu made for FF wave carbon thruster.
Option to add a high-end FF carbon Free Wave fin.


  Abu Fish 105
Volumen 105 L
65 cm
Länge 228 cm
Gewicht tbc kg
Finne Inkl. Carbon Thruster 23 cm + 11 cm
Box Powerbox, 2x Slot Boxes
Segel 4.5 - 6.5


kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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