Wingfoilshop wingfoiling wingfoil-shop surfshop neilpryde Fly wing 2023
Wingfoilshop wingfoiling wingfoil-shop surfshop neilpryde Fly wing 2023
Wingfoilshop wingfoiling wingfoil-shop surfshop neilpryde Fly wing 2023
Wingfoilshop wingfoiling wingfoil-shop surfshop neilpryde Fly wing 2023
Wingfoilshop wingfoiling wingfoil-shop surfshop neilpryde Fly wing 2023
Wingfoilshop wingfoiling wingfoil-shop surfshop neilpryde Fly wing 2023


NeilPryde Fly Wing 2023




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Wir präsentieren den NeilPryde Fly Wing 2023.

High lift, ultra efficient wing. Dramatically increased range and power, allowing you to use a far smaller wing than is typical in each set of conditions.



Due to the highly refined LE geometry and entry shaping, each wing produces the maximum thrust (power and acceleration) for its size. This dramatically increases the range, allowing riders to use a smaller wing than is typical in each set of conditions. The result is easier handling and greater maneuverability.


The 3D shape of the canopy leading edge is defined by a series of transverse panels that converge at the wingtips. This leverages the LE Tube structure to maximize tension in the critical entry sections – the result is more lift and a higher stall angle for better acceleration in light winds, and the ability to fly efficiently at low angles of attack for better control and higher top speeds in strong winds.



The large opening between the LE and the front of the fill panel (which connects the canopy to the strut) allows the pressure to equalize across the two sides of the wing. This improves overall performance and makes the wing



Designed and tested at our NeilPryde Maui Design Center by Nils Rosenblad, former NeilPryde Windsurfing sail designer and America's Cup engineer, then further developed through our team's feedback from across the world. No stone is left uncovered in our relentless drive to be the best at what we do.

kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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