Patrik IQ Foil windsurfing iqfoilinf Segel Sail


Patrik IQ Foil Segel




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Wir präsentieren das Patrik Patrik IQ Foil Segel.

The PATRIK iQ is a foil racing sail built especially for the official IQFOIL class and will be the official sail for the 2024 Paris Olympic games. 
Finally we are able to provide you with this official and fully class registered sail that had only been available from the original manufacturers until 2023.
Please not that our V2 version of the olympic foil sail is technically 100% identical to the v2 Version of the original sail and has been fully tested and approved to perform exactly the same in all aspects.

(Produced by the official iQ gear factories. Warranty process via the official iQ gear factories. Specs and quality guaranteed by the official iQ gear factories.)


 8.0  522  220  5.89  7  3xXL, 1xSDM   Fixed   iQ 490   iQ 210-250   iQ 36
 9.0  554  232  6.28  7  3xXL, 1xSDM   Fixed   iQ 530   iQ 210-250   iQ 36


kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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