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Windsurfshop windsurfwinkel windsurf-shop windsurf shop windsurfing shop patrik windsurfsail windsurfboard point-7 Gabel Boom
Windsurfshop windsurfwinkel windsurf-shop windsurf shop windsurfing shop patrik windsurfsail windsurfboard point-7 Gabel Boom


Point-7 Alu+ Pro Gabelbaum




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Wir präsentieren die Point-7 Alu+ Pro Gabel.

The first target from the Point-7 Black Team when developing a boom is the curve. This is not about having a curve from the new generation as many might call it. Its about having a curve that allows your front and back arm to sit in a natural ergonomic position while sailing, automatically positioning the sail at the right angle for the wind to enter and exit. This position varies with wind strength and windsurfing discipline, so each boom size needs to be developed accordingly.

Soft and sanded anti slip pro grip: Less hand strength needed to have a firm grip on the boom. Double push pin for a stiffer connection between boom body and tail end. Vario tail end with 50cm range. 2cm easy adjustments settings. Easy positioning marks for the harness lines. Ergo shaped curve for finding the most natural and comfortable position on the board. Front head tilts according to fitting height on the mast, but does not tilt from side to side. With very little rope tension, the head does not slip on the mast. Fits RDM adapters perfectly. From 180 size to 200, the boom tail offers the pulley system for perfect fitting of the adjustable outhaul system.




kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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