windsurfing windsurfshop Unifiber Baseplate mastfuß Tendon Joint Elite
windsurfing windsurfshop Unifiber Baseplate mastfuß Tendon Joint Elite
windsurfing windsurfshop Unifiber Baseplate mastfuß Tendon Joint Elite


Unifiber Baseplate Tendon Joint Elite Mastfuß


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Wir präsentieren den Unifiber Baseplate Tendon Joint Elite Mastfuß.

The Elite Baseplate builds on the robustness of the HD model while enhancing security and ease of use.

Its top-grade TPU tendon core can be disassembled and replaced by hand, allowing you to inspect the tendon anytime and anywhere. The POK plastic caps secure the tendon pins. They snap into place easily, but cannot be moved while the baseplate is connected to the board/mast extension. You'll never be surprised by a broken tendon!

Stainless steel components form an uninterrupted link from the T-nut to the extension, guaranteeing a solid connection even if the plastic parts show signs of wear.

The U-Pin section on top remains a single solid stainless-steel piece, ensuring lasting durability.

Molded from rugged POK engineering plastic, the baseplate maintains its ergonomic design and is easy to unscrew, even after intense sessions. The baseplate features a sliding pin that automatically secures the joint in its slot. It can be unlocked with a sand-resistant push button. Activating it releases the join from the base, allowing you to keep it connected to your board for convenient transport and storage.

The disk, also made of POK plastic, features an EVA layer and guiding knob for excellent grip on the deck.

For added safety, both the top and bottom parts of the baseplate are connected with a Spectra safety rope, capable of withstanding up to 650 kg of a breakload.

kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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