Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu Aura Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu Aura Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu Aura Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu Aura Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu Aura Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu Aura Wing


Vayu AURA Wing

Angebotspreis€764,00 Regulärer Preis€899,00
Spare 15%





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Wir präsentieren den Vayu AURA Wing.

 Introducing the new AURA VAYU lightweight wing, perfectly balanced, built for effortless floating behind you. Featuring our proprietary center strut design which offers you the most Control over the wing when needed. Side or rotational movements are eliminated since the handles are firmly locked into the Center strut. Being superlight and balanced, this AURA will float and basically disappear when riding a wave. The soft and forgiving Frame will help you stump new tricks with ease.

 THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION of the Aura has been extremely successful in reducing the overall weight, making it incredibly light and floaty. All the details combined lead to impressive stability, balance and easy planning.

RIGID STRUT FRAME DESIGN with high canopy tension creates a stable centre profile with exceptional windrange, upwind performance and balanced depower for reduced lift when towing.

TWO INFLATION VALVES with large diameter inlet/outlet hose for rapid inflation and deflation. Bayonet style inflation valve compatible with most pumps. No adapter needed. Allows for a fine-tuned pressure differential between the leading edge and the centerstrut.

kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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