Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu VVING V2 Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu VVING V2 Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu VVING V2 Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu VVING V2 Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu VVING V2 Wing
Wingfoilshop wingfoil-shop wingfoiling shop Wing Foiling Vayu VVING V2 Wing


Vayu VVING V2 Wing

Angebotspreis€730,00 Regulärer Preis€859,00
Spare 15%





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Wir präsentieren den Vayu VVING V2.


  • Unique Bridge-Boom for precise control.
  • Windows for improved visibility.
  • Easy and quick. No hassle setup with one pump system and folding boom.
  • Wide wind range due to rigid frame, flat profile and high canopy Tension.


The most special feature of the VVING V2 is the Bridge-Boom strut system. A foldable boom, which requires no additional tools and is automatically brought into position when inflated. The Bridge-Boom provides a wide range of hand positions enabling intuitive transitions and precise direct control while trimming the wing.
Over or underpowered, the VVING handles any gust and generates considerable forward speed. Being balanced and reactive with sweep and dihedral, the VVING is very tow friendly when riding waves. Whether your focus is riding open ocean waves, carving or freestyle tricks, the VVING does it all.

kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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